DeepBeam Dataset


This is the dataset for the paper M. Polese, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, “DeepBeam: Deep Waveform Learning for Coordination-Free Beam Management in mmWave Networks”, in Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc, July 2021. The DeepBeam dataset can be found at this link.

It contains 19 HDF5 files that represent a data collection campaign run on the NI mmWave Transceiver System with four SiBeam 60 GHz radio heads and on two Pi-Radio digital 60 GHz radios. The data collection campaign is described in Section 4 of the DeepBeam paper.

The dataset can be found at this link.

If you use this dataset, please reference the following paper:

M. Polese, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, "DeepBeam: Deep Waveform Learning for Coordination-Free Beam Management in mmWave Networks," in Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc, Virtual Conference, July 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]