

OpenRAN Gym is an open-source project fostering collaborative, AI-driven and experimental research in the Open RAN ecosystem. The goal of OpenRAN Gym is to bring together researchers from academia and industry to create a vibrant, dynamic, evolving and cooperative ecosystem advancing research and development of cutting-edge and groundbreaking solutions for the Open RAN. We welcome contributions from the community, please follow this link to contribute to OpenRAN Gym.

If you use the components part of OpenRAN Gym, please reference the following paper and the paper relative to the specific component that you are using.

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "OpenRAN Gym: AI/ML Development, Data Collection, and Testing for O-RAN on PAWR Platforms," Computer Networks, vol. 220, pp. 1-11, January 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

If you use ns-O-RAN, please reference the following paper:

A. Lacava, M. Polese, R. Sivaraj, R. Soundrarajan, B.S. Bhati, T. Singh, T. Zugno, F. Cuomo, and T. Melodia, "Programmable and Customized Intelligence for Traffic Steering in 5G Networks Using Open RAN Architectures," arXiv:2209.14171 [cs.NI], pp. 1-15, October 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]



OpenRAN Gym features the following publications:

H. Cheng, S. D’Oro, R. Gangula, S. Velumani, D. Villa, L. Bonati, M. Polese, T. Melodia, G. Arrobo, C. Maciocco, "ORANSlice: An Open Source 5G Network Slicing Platform for O-RAN," in Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Open AI and Open RAN (Open AI RAN), Washington, D.C., USA, November 2024. [pdf]

A. Feraudo, S. Maxenti, A. Lacava, P. Bellavista, M. Polese, and T. Melodia, "xDevSM: Streamlining xApp Development With a Flexible Framework for O-RAN E2 Service Models," in Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH), Washington, D.C., USA, November 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, R. Shirkhani, C. Fiandrino, S. Maxenti, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, T. Melodia, "Twinning Commercial Network Traces on Experimental Open RAN Platforms," in Proceedings of ACM WiNTECH, Washington, DC, USA, November 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Polese, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, P. Johari, D. Villa, S. Velumani, R. Gangula, M. Tsampazi, C. P. Robinson, G. Gemmi, A. Lacava, S. Maxenti, H. Cheng, T. Melodia, "Colosseum: The Open RAN Digital Twin," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 5452-5466, August 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

D. Villa, I. Khan, F. Kaltenberger, N. Hedberg, R. Soares da Silva, S. Maxenti, L. Bonati, A. Kelkar, C. Dick, E. Baena, J. M. Jornet, T. Melodia, M. Polese, and D. Koutsonikolas, "X5G: An Open, Programmable, Multi-vendor, End-to-end, Private 5G O-RAN Testbed with NVIDIA ARC and OpenAirInterface," arXiv:2406.15935 [cs.NI], pp. 1-15, June 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Tsampazi, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, L. Bonati, G. Poitau, M. Healy, M. Alavirad, and T. Melodia, "PandORA: Automated Design and Comprehensive Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents for Open RAN," ResearchGate Preprint, pp. 1-18, May 2024. [pdf]

P. Brach del Prever, S. D’Oro, L. Bonati, M. Polese, M. Tsampazi, H. Lehmann, and T. Melodia, "PACIFISTA: Conflict Evaluation and Management in Open RAN," arXiv:2405.04395 [cs.NI], pp. 1-12, May 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

S. Maxenti, S. D’Oro, L. Bonati, M. Polese, A. Capone, and T. Melodia, "ScalO-RAN: Energy-aware Network Intelligence Scaling in Open RAN," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

J. Groen, S. D’Oro, U. Demir, L. Bonati, D. Villa, M. Polese, T. Melodia, K. Chowdhury, "Securing O-RAN Open Interfaces," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-13, April 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, P. Brach del Prever, and T. Melodia, "5G-CT: Automated Deployment and Over-the-Air Testing of End-to-End Open Radio Access Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 1-7, April 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

D. Villa, M. Tehrani-Moayyed, C.P. Robinson, L. Bonati, P. Johari, M. Polese, and T. Melodia, "Colosseum as a Digital Twin: Bridging Real-World Experimentation and Wireless Network Emulation," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-17, January 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

S. D’Oro, L. Bonati, M. Polese, and T. Melodia, "OrchestRAN: Orchestrating Network Intelligence in the Open RAN," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-16, December 2023.

E. Moro, M. Polese, A. Capone, T. Melodia, "An Open RAN Framework for the Dynamic Control of 5G Service Level Agreements," in Proceedings of IEEE NFV-SDN, Dresden, Germany, November 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Tsampazi, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, L. Bonati, G. Poitau, M. Healy, and T. Melodia, "A Comparative Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning-based xApps in O-RAN," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

C. Fiandrino, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, T. Melodia, and J. Widmer, "EXPLORA: AI/ML EXPLainability for the Open RAN," in Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT, Paris, France, December 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "NeutRAN: An Open RAN Neutral Host Architecture for Zero-Touch RAN and Spectrum Sharing," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-13, August 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "OpenRAN Gym: AI/ML Development, Data Collection, and Testing for O-RAN on PAWR Platforms," Computer Networks, vol. 220, pp. 1-11, January 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

A. Lacava, M. Polese, R. Sivaraj, R. Soundrarajan, B.S. Bhati, T. Singh, T. Zugno, F. Cuomo, and T. Melodia, "Programmable and Customized Intelligence for Traffic Steering in 5G Networks Using Open RAN Architectures," arXiv:2209.14171 [cs.NI], pp. 1-15, October 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "Intelligent Closed-loop RAN Control with xApps in OpenRAN Gym," in Proceedings of IEEE European Wireless, Dresden, Germany, September 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

S. D’Oro, M. Polese, L. Bonati, H. Cheng, and T. Melodia, "dApps: Distributed Applications for Real-time Inference and Control in O-RAN," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 52-58, November 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Polese, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "ColO-RAN: Developing Machine Learning-based xApps for Open RAN Closed-loop Control on Programmable Experimental Platforms," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-14, July 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

S. D’Oro, L. Bonati, M. Polese, and T. Melodia, "OrchestRAN: Network Automation through Orchestrated Intelligence in the Open RAN," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Virtual Conference, May 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Polese, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "Understanding O-RAN: Architecture, Interfaces, Algorithms, Security, and Research Challenges," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, pp. 1-23, January 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "OpenRAN Gym: An Open Toolbox for Data Collection and Experimentation with AI in O-RAN," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC Workshop on Open RAN Architecture for 5G Evolution and 6G, Austin, TX, USA, April 2022. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "Intelligence and Learning in O-RAN for Data-driven NextG Cellular Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 21-27, October 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

M. Polese, F. Restuccia, T. Melodia, "DeepBeam: Deep Waveform Learning for Coordination-Free Beam Management in mmWave Networks," in Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc, Virtual Conference, July 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]

L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, B. Stefano, T. Melodia, "SCOPE: An Open and Softwarized Prototyping Platform for NextG Systems," in Proceedings of ACM MobiSys, Virtual Conference, June 2021. [pdf] [bibtex]



OpenRAN Gym is partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants CNS-1925601, CNS-2120447, and CNS-2112471, by the U.S. Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-20-1-2132, and by OUSD (R&E) through Army Research Laboratory Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-19-2-0221 and W911NF-24-2-0065.

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