

OpenRAN Gym is an open-source project fostering collaborative, AI-driven and experimental research in the Open RAN ecosystem. The goal of OpenRAN Gym is to bring together researchers from academia and industry to create a vibrant, dynamic, evolving and cooperative ecosystem advancing research and development of cutting-edge and groundbreaking solutions for the Open RAN. We welcome contributions from the community, please follow this link to contribute to OpenRAN Gym.

If you use the components part of OpenRAN Gym, please reference the following paper:

L. Bonati, M. Polese, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "OpenRAN Gym: AI/ML Development, Data Collection, and Testing for O-RAN on PAWR Platforms," Computer Networks, vol. 220, pp. 1-11, January 2023. [pdf] [bibtex]

OpenRAN Gym is organized by a team at the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, Northeastern University.


Press Releases

“Northeastern University’s Wireless Internet of Things Institute (WIoT) and Open6G R&D center unveil an AI-automated private 5G network, providing a customizable platform for wireless technology research and development beyond 5G,” TeckNexus, April 2023. [link]

“Northeastern University launches O-RAN private 5G network,” RCR Wireless News, April 2023. [link]

“Northeastern University demos AI-based O-RAN at MWC LA,” LightReading, October 2021. [link]

“O-RAN ALLIANCE Announces New Specifications, 3rd Global Plugfest and New Demonstrations of O-RAN Technology,” Business Wire, October 2021. [link]



OpenRAN Gym is partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants CNS-1925601, CNS-2120447, and CNS-2112471, by the U.S. Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-20-1-2132, and by OUSD (R&E) through Army Research Laboratory Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-19-2-0221.

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